Incoming Grade 1 Students/Families

Thank you for considering pursuing a French Immersion education for your child. We are excited to be part of this journey with you. 

This page has been created to provide families with a first stop when looking for answers to their questions.

  • Registration for Grade 1 September 2024/2025 Monday, January 15th to Friday, February 2nd, 2024
  • Grade 1 French Immersion Information Night will be held Wed January 31, 2024 at 6:00pm. Click here to view our Grade 1 Open House Flyer.
  • TVDSB Parent Info slide deck link.
  • Grade 1 FI slide deck presentation.  Click here to view.


How do teachers/staff communicate with families?
Every teacher will send emails/make phone calls as needed.

We are fortunate to have Agendas for all students

In our Primary classes, most teachers use a zippered pouch that they try and check daily for hand-written notes/paper copies of any information/newsletters.

Most teachers also have an electronic platform - depending on the preference of the teacher, it could be Google Classroom, BrightSpace, School Messenger emails, or Teacher Google Site.

Communication for the entire school could arrive through postings on our school website, parent weekly memos from Admin, or emails through School Messenger.

How/when do we get information on bussing?

Parents who require busing for their child(ren) must register for the bus on the busing website.  You must have your child first registered at the school then you can go to to register.

All bussing information comes from

To access this site you will need your child's student number (Trillium #)(not an OEN Number from Report Cards). Then click on parent portal - here you will find: pick up and/or drop off times; bus number, and bus expectations for behaviour.

You will likely receive something in the mail from STS (mybigyellowbus) over the summer, but you won’t have access until Mid-August.

Any changes to routes or alternate stop request forms are also all on this site.

What if any prep should families do to prepare for French?
 None is required.
Where can we find information about the Before and After school programming?
We do host both a before and after school program through Good Beginnings. The main contact is Brittany Pottruff. Here is a link to their website where you can also find their phone contact information

You are able to do either Before or After, or both! It will be dependent on space.  

Good Beginnings School Age RCFI Information Flyer

 What is the average reading level of a 6 yr old?

Firstly there is no expectation that students have to be at a certain reading level coming into our school. We will figure out their current English reading levels, and work with them to move them forward. 

Coming into grade one, we would hope that they have begun learning the letters of the alphabet and the associated sounds. Next step = sight words

For French, we anticipate starting from scratch


 What time does school start and finish?

8:45 am supervision on the yard begins

Entry is at 9:00am and school runs until 3:30


Our balanced day schedule:

            9:00-11:00 First Instructional Block

               11:00-11:40 First Break (Gr 1-3 outside first/Gr 4-8 inside first; switch at 11:00)

            11:40-1:00 Second Instructional Block

                1:00-1:50 Second Break (Gr 1-3 outside first/Gr 4-8 inside first; switch at 1:25)

            1:50-3:30 Third Instructional Block


Typically younger students are paired with an older 'Bus buddies' at the end of the day to ensure that they get onto the correct bus.  

Walkers - dismiss from the back door (south exit) and meet parents on the tarmac.

Students being picked up - must be signed out at the office - please let office know early in the day to ensure that the information can be shared with necessary staff.

The school board has provided a power point presentation for families interested in French Immersion. LINK

Lastly, if you find you still have questions, please feel free to send us an email directly to the school account and someone will be in touch a.s.a.p.

We are very excited to meet you in the fall!  Mme Maddox (Principal), Mme Moodie (VP) and the entire Grade 1 Team!

Please view our Grade 1 welcome video to RCFI.

